Despite all this, the construction of our new house continues! We have decided that if this is where God has called us to be, and if we have felt his leading to settle and build a home here, He alone, not any government or fear of the future, will call us to change those plans. We are very excited at the prospect of being moved in, hopefully by February. We thank all of you for your generous donations and commitments to help us as we pay off loans. Please pray, too, for the sale of our current house. We are putting it in God’s hands, but have thought that the library we had hoped to have here may better be located on the same property as our new home, so as not to maintain two properties. We will see what the Lord does!
In times where the future is uncertain, we have been even more certain of the need for Christian leaders in Nicaragua. The Lord is raising up young men and women committed to Him both at Nicaragua Christian Academy and at our Nejapa campus. As more missionaries come to Nicaragua to meet increasing needs, more MKs (missionary kids) come to us for education. As our school becomes more well-known because of the quality of education, more influential Nicaraguan families are sending their children. It is our hope that these kids are the ones who will invest their lives back into Nicaragua, standing up for democracy and leadership by integrity.
1 comment:
Mi muy estimado amigo.,
Realmente tus puntos de vista para nuestra bella nacion son mas que correctos! La verdad es que Nicaragua es un pais joven (relativamente) y necesitamos sangre joven, que con cimientos en "roca de Cristo Jesus" puedan ayudar de una u otra forma cooperar con la educacion futura, creo de todo corazon y alma, que el creer en Dios siempre es lo primero pero el actuar viene como punto muy importante, y nuestros hijos no deben temer a las realidades de la vida, y es se logra con una "buena educacion" cristiana, Animo!
Que Dios esta con nosotros, y estaremos atentos a la oracion y a la educacion de nuestros hijos
Rodolfo Gonzalez
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