On January 28, a group of over 150 administrators, teachers, assistants and staff from our three Nicaragua Christian Academy schools (NCA International, NCA Nejapa and NCA Matagalpa) joined together for a full day of professional development and encouragement. The directors of the three schools and the association (ANCA) led the opening session, introducing the new acronym GRACIA (Gratitude, Respect, Authentic love, Community, Integrity and Always learning) -- the word "Grace" in Spanish. We talked about how NCA schools are a Community of Grace as we point our students to the message of the Gospel.

There was also a lighter side to the day. The theme, "NCA Selfies" (to explore what makes our schools who we are) was celebrated as teachers were invited to visit a photo booth complete with silly wigs, hats and masks. Student photographers helped them take pictures to commemorate this event. This was the first event of its kind but certainly will not be the last!